
Effective January 1st, 2023 

Initial Intake Counselling Sessions (individual and couples counselling)

Initial 1-hour intake counselling session: $220


Subsequent Counselling Sessions (individual and couples counselling)

Regular 1-hour counselling session: $220

Regular 1.5-hour counselling session: $330

Regular 2-hour counselling session: $440

Online Career Planning & Development Course, “The Career Passion Project” 

15+ hours of video-based instruction: $297

Click here to learn more.

Time Parameters

All intake and counselling sessions are assumed to be 1-hour in duration unless other arrangements have been made with your psychologist. The therapeutic part of the hour (e.g., counselling) lasts 50 minutes and the psychologist’s administration occurs in the last 10 minutes.

1-Hour Counselling Session

A 1-hour counselling session includes 50 minutes with your psychologist and 10 minutes for the psychologist to independently complete session notes and any preparation required for the next appointment.

1.5-Hour Counselling Session

Similarly, a 1.5-hour counselling session includes 80 minutes in person with your psychologist and the final 10 minutes is for administration purposes.

2-Hour Counselling Session

A 2-hour counselling session includes 100 minutes in person with your psychologist and the final 10 minutes is for administration purposes.

Career Assessment / Testing

If you’re receiving career counselling specifically, and are interested in career assessment or career testing, your psychologist will discuss which options are available to you based on your unique situation and goals. The cost of the following assessments are in addition to your regular session fee.

Strong Interest Inventory – $150

The Strong Interest Inventory career assessment includes a printed colour copy of your report, a workbook, worksheets, and suggested resources for further learning and development. Click here to view a sample report of the Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive Report as well as the Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive Report – College / School Profile.

Telephone / Video Counselling

Both online counselling (via Doxy.Me) and telephone counselling are available at this time. Please inquire whether this service may be a good fit for you.


Cancellations / Changes to Appointments

Cancellations or changes are required 24 hours in advance of your scheduled appointment time. No shows or late cancellations (unless due to illness or emergency) will be billed the full session fee, e.g., $220.

Other Services

Letters, reports, phone conversations, or any other administrative tasks that you request are billed at the same hourly rate, based on the time taken to complete the task.


Payment Methods

I accept payment by credit card, cash, e-transfer (required at start of the session), and cheque.

I currently offer direct billing through Alberta Blue Cross.  Please let me know in advance of your first session if you would like to use this service. I will need your ID#, Group# and date of birth to set up this service.

It is your responsibility to stay informed of how much coverage you have, and when it expires. I do not have access to this information. You will be required to pay any outstanding balances not covered.

For other insurance plans, you will pay me at the end of your session, and I will provide you a receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursement.


Can’t Afford Counselling?

If you’re looking for a way to fund your counselling sessions but don’t have any benefits/insurance coverage, you might want to consider purchasing benefits through Alberta Blue Cross and review which plans will best suite your need for counselling coverage and other health care needs.

You might also want to check if your company provides any benefits to you in the form of a health spending account and whether they will reimburse your fees.

Your investment into psychological services may be tax-deductible. Be sure to check with your accountant and/or CCRA. Save your receipts to take advantage of this possible tax deduction.