What are some strategic questions to ask during an informational interview? First, remember that an informational interview is something that you do after you’ve done your own research.

Don’t make others do the basic work for you. This might make you appear that you aren’t that serious about your career.

As the saying goes, you want to treat an informational interview as if it were a real interview (even though the goal of an informational interview is not to get a job). Some of your first impressions will be formed by the way you ask your questions, and the types of questions you ask.

Industry Questions

1. Based on my research on regarding what is happening in this industry, I’ve been learning about ______, _______, and _______. Has this also been your experience? What is your perspective on how this industry is shifting?

2. Some of the emerging trends that I’ve been learning about in this field include _______ and ________. Do you know where I might learn more about these trends?

3. What are you finding are some of the key challenges that this industry is currently facing?

4. Are there any related career industries to this area but that might be an easier way for me to enter the field?

Company Questions

1. I was really intrigued about _______ after reading the website, and I still have a few questions about ________.

2. Based on my research I’ve noticed that there isn’t much competition for other drone delivery companies in the aviation. Are you aware of who the key competitors might be at this time?

3. I know that every company’s workplace culture has its own unique challenges and struggles. Based on your experience what would you say are some of those unavoidable challenges at this time?

4. Based on my market research, it sounds like some of the upcoming trends in these types of companies is _______. How do you understand what the emerging trends might be in this company over the next several years?

Occupational Questions

1. Based on what I know about your role, I would imagine it might involve a lot of  ________ Can you tell me about what your typical day looks like here in this role?

2. What percentage of time are you spending working directly with ________?

3. Are there any parts of the role that you or others would typically find most difficult or challenging?

4. What types of roles do people typically move onto after leaving this position?

5. What’s your sense of the reasons behind turnover in this position/company?

6. What kind of personalities typically thrive in this environment and which types struggle?

7. From your perspective, who would be the perfect candidate for this this type of role?

8. Some of my longer-term goals include _________. So I’m curious what kinds of personal growth and advancement opportunities exist within this company?

Resume and Experience Questions

1. Would you mind spending a few quick minutes looking at my resume and providing me with some feedback?

2. One of my concerns about my resume is whether or not I have enough experience in _______. I’m wondering if there might be some ways of improving how I present my accomplishments and skills in order to be better recognized to get into this career field?

3. What type of specific education do you find is most common to get into a role such as this one? Or do people have a variety of educational backgrounds?

Networking Questions

1. Now that you know a little bit more about who I am, and my career path goals, is there anyone that you recommend I get in contact with?

2. Is there anyone else at your company here who you think would be willing to share their experiences with me about the culture here?

2. May I show you a brief list of some of the companies that I’m interested in learning more about the company culture? Do you know or recommend anyone at Pepsi Co? I haven’t been able to track done a manager there and am wondering who might be the best person to get in contact with there?

3. I’m interested in getting in contact with someone at the company Disney World. The person’s name that I keep coming across is Mr. Mickey. Would you recommend that he be the best person for me to get in touch with?

4. If I were to ever apply for opportunities at this company, do you know the name of who I should eventually reach out to? Are you able to offer their email?

Staying Connected Questions

1. Would you mind if I contacted you again in the future should I have any other questions?

2. Would you mind if I kept you posted on how my communications go with these individuals that you recommended I contact?

3. What would be the best way for me to contact you in the future? Do you prefer email or phone?

4. May I keep you posted on how my information interviews and overall career search goes?

Reciprocity Questions

1. Is there anything that I can do to help you? (Make it explicit some of the ways that you might be able to help them).

2. Make an offer of some sort: I have lot’s of experience working in the benefits division of human resources withing the government, so if there’s any way that I can extend my knowledge or contacts, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask.

Carrying out an informational interview can obviously be uncomfortable or anxiety provoking. Read this article for more tips on how to manage your anxiety around requesting an informational interview. An information interview may seem like a lot of work, but navigating the hidden job market is often more effective. Learn why applying to job postings during COVID may not be the most effective approach.

Author: Dr. Allison Foskett, Registered Counselling Psychologist, Edmonton, Alberta

To learn more about my background and training as a registered psychologist, please visit my About Me page

If you’re interested in exploring career counselling services, career assessments, or individual therapy for a range of mental health concerns, please contact me for a free 15-minute phone consultation.