Career Assessment in Edmonton

Registered Psychologist providing vocational / career assessment to adults 18+ in Alberta

What are career assessments? They are often referred to as a career test, career quiz, career inventory, or an occupational or vocational assessment. They are generally designed to help individuals identify patterns of interests, strengths, skills, values and more.

A career assessment might include a single tool or a collection of several different assessments depending on what your needs or questions are.

Career Interests Assessment

One of the common requests I receive is to complete an assessment of one’s career or vocational interests, such as the Strong Interest Inventory. This instrument is designed to help people discover patterns of interests, preferences, occupations, interest in educational programs, and more.

Interest assessments such as the Strong Interest Inventory are not actually career ‘tests’ or ‘quizzes’ because there is no right or wrong answer, and they do not directly measure your skills or abilities. Instead, they are assessing your preferences or interests, and the things you like (and dislike).

Benefits of taking a Career Interests Assessment

A few ways that you might benefit from taking a career interests assessment include:

-Identify patterns of interests and disinterest

-Identify specific career directions and occupations that you may find rewarding and satisfying

-Prepare for a new career change in your 30s, 40s or 50s.

-Discover the career fields or learning environments that you might thrive in

-Identify new education programs before making a big investment of your money

What is the Process to Complete a Career Interests Assessment?

The first step is to complete an intake interview. Your first 50-minute session is focused on getting to know more about you. As a registered psychologist, I am interested in your mental health concerns, life stressors, leisure activities, educational experiences, career and work history, to name a few areas. You are in control of what you choose to discuss during this first session. I will provide education on the career counselling and assessment process, and help you determine to what extent you might benefit from completing a career or vocational assessment.

Part of the informed consent process with any career assessment first includes a discussion and brief education on the background of the assessment tool, its purpose, strengths and limitations. Not all assessment tools are created equal and one that is popular doesn’t mean it’s a good fit for your individual needs. Also, depending on the unique nature of your career goals, the counselling process of exploration and insight might be more valuable.

The second step is that you will complete the career interest inventory on your own computer from the comfort of your own home.

Third, we will have a second session (60 or 90 minutes) to debrief the assessment. Usually, having a few more counselling sessions after the debrief session is helpful for further exploration and insight, and provides the opportunity to put a meaningful action plan in place.

What is the Cost and what is included?

Career assessment for interests, personality and values is available, and the various options will be discussed with you to determine your unique needs.

The Strong Interest Inventory career assessment includes a printed colour copy of your report, a workbook, worksheets, and suggested resources for further learning and development. The cost is $150 and is in addition to any session fees. Your debrief session provides a high quality review of the assessment and is also tailored to your questions. You can choose to book a 60-minute session ($220) or a 90-minute session ($330) for your debrief.

Click here to view a sample report of the Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive Report as well as the Strong Interest Inventory Interpretive Report – College / School Profile.

What Career Assessments are Not

Please note that I do not offer any formal comprehensive assessment around fitness to work, learning or physical disabilities, giftedness, IQ, nor do I provide mental health assessment and diagnosis. Those are more extensive batteries of assessment. If you are in need of this type of assessment, I am happy to provide you with some excellent referral options.

Career interest inventories or assessments are tools not rules. They are not diagnostic, and they are never meant to limit your options, but intended to expand your horizons for understanding who you are and your unique career identity.

I am a registered psychologist in south Edmonton, Alberta. Both in-person and virtual sessions are also available for career assessment, career counselling, individual counselling, and couples counselling as well. Please contact me for further details.