Online Career Planning and Development Course

Are you passionate about finding more direction, meaning, or fulfillment in your career? Perhaps you’re wanting to find a path that is somehow a bit more aligned with your own internal psychology, such as your values, interests or other mental health and well-being needs?

When did you last have time and space to reimagine the possibilities for your career and life dreams? Or to really to connect to your inner voice and consider what is most important to you?

I am excited to launch an online video-based course on the psychology of career planning and development, – the Career Passion Project.

This introductory course is intended to enhance your personal career development and planning skills, and to provide you with the basic knowledge, frameworks and tools to help you gain more direction and ease as you encounter various change, transition, uncertainties and the need to make decisions throughout your career.

I have also weaved in some interesting research (pardon the pun) on the psychology of career identity and planning, and dive deep into understanding some of the terms we often take for granted.

I do this to expand your awareness and even normalize and validate some of our human desires, yearnings and questions as it relates to our career.

In addition to this framework, I have included an abundance of experiential learning exercises and reflective questions, all with a sprinkle of creativity. I offer various perspectives for you to consider, and real tidbit stories of my own to act as examples that may ignite your own critical thinking.

It is my hope that in sharing some of my experiences, it might also normalize all the twists, turns, setbacks, and frustrations that may arise on what feels like, and is, a never-ending journey of self-discovery and adaptation to our environment.

It’s designed for those individuals who are introspective and enjoy the self-reflection process.

Not only is our world changing more rapidly than ever before, but our internal career identity is constantly shifting based on our life experiences and personal & professional growth. As such, our preferences and desires are constantly evolving, every single day.

Through my comprehensive and guided self-reflection process, you will begin to create layers of meaningful self-knowledge and understanding as it relates to your career identity.

This program is designed to help you understand yourself more clearly, and to shape your future career in a way that is more aligned with your own internal needs.

You will also learn how to brainstorm and expand your career path directions and even identify specific opportunities.

You will learn how to clarify and prioritize the aspects of your career identity and career pathways that are most important to you so that you can be more self-assured in your decision-making.

There is a lot of well-intended yet misleading advice available to us. Have you heard of any of the following?

  • Go where the money is – do what is in demand
  • Follow your passion and listen to your heart
  • Just do what you’re good at and focus on your skills.
  • Get a stable job with a good pension
  • Just go with the flow and take a risk.
  • There’s no point in planning because it’s all about who you know.

But, the truth is, carving out a rewarding career is a very complex process, and it’s based on understanding our individual psychology and needs in the context of many other internal and external factors including which options are available to us.

If what I have shared peaks your interest, I invite you to learn more about how this program might enhance your overall career development and planning by reviewing the agenda and learning outcomes on my course website.

I look forward to sharing my knowledge, and the Career Passion Project, with you! I’m offering over 15+ hours of video-based instruction for only $297. This is the financial equivalent of 1.5 hours with me in-person.

My Career Passion Project – Overview

  1. What is Career Development?
  2. Overview of the Research
  3. Career Planning Myths and Dangers
  4. Career Dream Storm (Self-Assessment) – this helps you to increase your self-awareness and self-understanding about your unique career identity.
  5. Expand Your Options (Explore and identify what is possible)
  6. Decision-Making and Identifying Unhelpful mindsets
  7. Clarify and Prioritize Your Options
  8. How to Break Through ‘Analysis-Paralysis’ and take action
  9. Choosing an Educational Program
  10. Goal Setting and Action Plan