Counselling Online Available in Edmonton, Alberta  – Changes due to COVID-19

Online therapy and counselling is now available to both current and new clients to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 here in Edmonton, Alberta while also ensuring you can access psychological services. I have found that offering therapy online has been effective with the right technology in place. Please note, that you must be located in Alberta, Canada, while receiving your online therapy or counselling.

There are many terms that describe online counselling including telepsychology, telemental health, telecounselling, as well as e-counselling and e-therapy.

Please know that I am also receiving advanced training in this area to help me maximize the therapeutic benefits you receive while doing your counselling or therapy online.

 Possible benefits of Counselling Online?

They may include the following:

  • Enhancing protection of personal and public safety within the context of COVID-19 via social distancing
  • Convenience during unsafe weather conditions or when transportation difficulties arise
  • Scheduling flexibility
  • Comfort and ease for reduced physical mobility issues
  • When living in a rural area with fewer resources
  • Choice of a telepsychology option, i.e., audio only option, or, video and audio option (recommended)
  • A temporary alternative when other personal factors may otherwise prevent you from attending session
  • Videoconferencing software is used that is compliant with the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA), which sets the rules for the collection, use and disclosure of personal information for private practitioners in Alberta.

What are some of the possible risks of Online Counselling?

There are also possible risks and limitations with doing your counselling online. They may include but not be limited to the following:

  • Privacy issues such as the possibility for others to hear your conversation
  • Availability of finding a private, quiet space in your home or elsewhere
  • Technical problems may occur such as an unstable internet connection, low internet speed and time delays, poor sound or video quality, all of which may contribute to less effective communication
  • We may need to ask for clarification and repeat what we say, when we cannot hear each other
  • Less visibility of emotion, verbal expression, and body language compared to face-to-face sessions
  • Missed opportunities for psychological, physical and social benefits associated with in-person sessions
  • Particular interventions may be unavailable or less effective (e.g., EMDR)
  • Potential limitations to confidentiality may exist, in addition to those listed on your general informed consent form. For instance, all telepsychology technology may have potential security risks such as being intercepted or hacked where outsiders may attempt to gain inside access to our conversation.
  • There may be safety limitations and, or, possible contraindications for particular issues, e.g., imminent risk of being suicidal, homicidal, or experiencing domestic violence. Telepsychology is not recommended for individuals with dementia and/or psychosis without extensive measures in place to maintain safety during telepsychology. You, along with your psychologist, will weigh the risks and benefits of whether the video counselling may be an option.
  • Complications for the therapist to provide emergency support, if needed, while at a distance.

Is Online Counselling for Everyone?

Receiving your therapy or counselling online is not suitable for all individuals. I will continuously weigh the pros and cons as to whether these services are appropriate for you. If receiving counselling online is no longer appropriate for you, I may offer in person sessions or recommend stopping services until in-person sessions are available, or help you connect with other in-person alternatives. It is important that you let me know if you dislike or are uncomfortable with the online counselling.